Building the Flight Simulator program at the Florida Flight Center has taken me in some adventures that have greatly challenged me as a programmer, hardware engineer, cockpit builder, researcher, and aviation enthusiast. One of my first assignments was to assemble a familiarization trainer for the Citation Mustang as a part of our CE-510 Type rating program. That’s when I came across Bartosz from Aviatek. We discussed the project in depth and started off with the simplest components. To my surprise, Bartosz created devices that fooled pilots into thinking it came from a real airplane. Once I received the first module, the Garmin GMC 710 used for the Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS), I immediately took it on a real Mustang and made a side by side comparison.
Having access to several Mustangs thanks to the Florida Flight Center, we immediately fine tuned any features and dimensions. Once again, Bartosz delivered an amazing product, this time, it was the Mustang’s Left Switches Ignition panel.
I was so impressed with the quality, I made video reviews:
English – Citation Mustang Panels for Flight Simulation
Spanish – Paneles de Instrumentos para Simulador de vuelo del Citation Mustang
During testing, only one Mustang was available for Flight Simulator X and prepar3d, created by Flight1. And only one was available for X-Plane, created by RWDesign. For Flight Simulator X and prepar3d, I wrote close to 200 lines of LUA Code in order to define the functions of the GMC 710 and other Garmin related functions. I published some of my findings in the Mustang’s Forum: LVARs for Interfacing or Writing LUA Scripts
But Bartosz did not want to stop there. He decided to build a full desktop Trainer which included all of the important components in the Cockpit of the Citation Mustang. So we immediately got to work…
We accessed several Mustangs and took measurements of everything we could get our hands on.
Bartosz didn’t aim for accuracy, he aimed for perfection. In the end, he produced what is probably the most accurate, 1-1, affordable, Citation Mustang Desktop Trainer. To view this product in his website, please click here